Saturday, May 23, 2009

Music Musing #1

Ok, so I've had it up to here *holds arrow sign above my head* with people ragging on indie bands for "selling out." Sure, sometimes they'll put out an album that's more accessible and will advertise it more, but come on people! Let them make some money! Enjoy the fact that they don't simply pump out mainstream music all the time, and be happy with that! Particularly upsetting to me was the response to Modest Mouse's We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.  Everyone jumped on it, all "oh man I can't listen to this could they sell out like that???" First of all, I personally think it's a less accessible album than Good News For People Who Love Bad News (man Modest Mouse has long album titles...but that's a ramble for another time.)  So, yea. Next time you feel like ragging on a band you like for selling out, think: "Is this music actually bad? No, it isn't, it's very good, just more people like it!" And there's nothing wrong with more people liking good music! You shouldn't ostracize people who don't like your indie music, you should pull them in, and introduce them to it and gain a new friend who understands your excitement when a new Modest Mouse album comes out!



    Plus, the money from Outback Steakhouse meant that their latest tour was fantastic.

  2. there you go! when bands have more money, they can give better shows!

  3. its the whole major/indie label thing
